World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day is celebrated on September 21. It was created in 1965 to encourage people to express and share all that they are grateful for in their lives.
Gratitude is a feeling or attitude that acknowledges a benefit received or to be experienced. Studies show that gratitude can be deliberately cultivated and it can increase levels of wellbeing and happiness.. Dr. Emmons, Professor of Psychology (University of California), in his book “Gratitude Works!”, outlines some of the effects of the experience of gratitude:

* People are 25% happier if they keep gratitude journals
* Sleeping one-half hour more per evening
* Exercising 33% more each week
* Increased feeling of connectedness and improved relationships
* Increased energy, alertness and enthusiasm
* Success in achieving personal goals
* Better coping with stress
* Greater sense of purpose and resilience

There are many ways to celebrate the day. Here are some suggestions:
* think about what you are grateful for
* verbally share what you are grateful for or use social media or other methods
* keep a gratitude journal
* tell a colleague at work what you are thankful for
* create a gratitude wall at work and attach notes to record what you and your team are grateful for

I am grateful for many things. Some of these include:
* my good health and wellbeing
* the love and support from my family and friends
* the opportunity to travel and have many amazing fun experiences
* the opportunity to be inspired and make a difference every day with my clients and work

Thank you!

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