Workplace Wellbeing

Workplace Wellbeing

It is important that wellbeing education, coaching and support is made available for leaders and employees. Wellbeing and mental health are on a continuum and it is relevant and important for the whole organisation. The image in this blog is part of an excellent infographic from EEK & SENSE

There are 5 key reasons (from GLWSWellbeing):

  1. On any given day, only one in five employees might be deemed to be ‘thriving’. Put another way, a frightening 80% of the working population will be experiencing at least one clinical symptom of mental ill-health.
  2. More and better support is needed for all those employees (who represent the majority of ‘striving’ or ‘struggling’) who are symptomatic of being ‘at risk’ of burnout, mental ill-health or low wellbeing. This requires strong leadership and good management to ‘positively promote’ and facilitate a leadership culture where social support and early help-seeking are priorities.
  3. Professional workplace wellbeing specialists with deep expertise in building organisational resilience though improved psychosocial factors, organisational development and job and culture design should be among any leadership team’s closest advisers in order to prevent further decline and functional impairment and to ensure that behavioural and emotional distress as a result of suboptimal systems and practices is alleviated.
  4. Our GLWS research shows clearly that the lived experience of most senior professionals and leaders in today’s work environments is describing something akin to being a ‘human pressure cooker’ (see the stats on the graphic), and;
  5. Burnout is strongly related to heightened conduct and culture risks. It stands to reason that people who have endured beyond the point of being able to function properly; beyond the point of exhaustion and irritability; past the point of caring and reaching the stage of feeling detached and empty are more likely to behave in ways detrimental to the business and those around them – in ways that are utterly out of character during better times.

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