Sound Based Meditation for Improved Wellbeing

Sound Based Meditation for Improved Wellbeing

Many of us like to sing along to our favourite songs or tunes and recognise the power of music to energise, calm or even sadden us. But is music healing?

In the early 1950s, French physician Alfred A. Tomatis found that certain sounds enhanced or drained the brain’s energy. Working with a diverse array of aural stimuli such as a mother’s voice, Gregorian chants, and classical music. Tomatis reversed learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder in his young patients. Today there are some 250 Tomatis listening centers around the world.

When we listen to high frequency sounds they stimulate and re-charge. Examples of these include natural sounds such as bird song, running water, wind, frogs, and insects, as well as classical music. In contrast when we listen to low frequency sound, such as the hum from electrical appliances and vehicles, it can have the opposite effect, draining our energy levels.

Mitchell Gaynor M.D., a New York based oncologist believes that the human body seeks harmony. He reports some scientific studies that show listening to pleasing sounds can reduce the body’s levels of cortisol and ACTH, stress hormones that can have a dampening effect on the immune system. He reminds us that the human body is 90 percent water and this makes it the perfect medium for carrying sound.

  • “If we accept that sound is vibration, and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is “heard” not only through our ears but through every cell in our body. ” (M.L. Gaynor M.D.)

A sample of sound therapy / meditation research includes:

  • A 2008 study by the British Academy of Sound Therapy. They found that 95% of clients improved from stress related disorders and increased their state of calm
  • A 2012 study by the University of Western Australia and the Brightware Care Group at an aged care facility found:
    • A therapeutic effect calming those with dementia and agitation
    • Improved sleep, appetite and attention spans
  • A 2012 study found therapeutic effects with headaches and anxiety disorders (Bensimon, Amir and Wolf)

What can you do to explore replenish your brain energy with high frequency sound? Here are a few tips:

  • Listen to high frequency music to induce relaxation or better sleep. Listen to some free tracks on sound cloud. Try Change Your Mind, Dr. Mitch Gaynor and Jon Regen- Click here
    • Track 1 – Alpha Trinity to calm down and promote feelings of deep relaxation
    • Track 2 – Delta Bliss to promote restorative deep sleep
  • Listen to music or sounds that mean something to you. If you are not sure…
    • Rate your mood before you listen to music on a 1-10 scale where 1 = low and 10 = high mood
    • Rate your mood again after listening to music using the 1-10 scale
    • Select the music or songs that were most effective
  • Create different playlists for:
    • Relaxation
    • Confidence / Feeling Good
    • Starting a project
  • Ring a bell and listen to its song as it grows faint and finally fades
    • Consider playing a Tibetan singing bowl
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