Effective Leadership and Control

Effective Leadership and Control

Having clarity as leaders about what we can and can’t control enables us to effectively manage our stress and minimises the concerns over things that we can’t do anything about.

How does the concept of control versus influence relate to leadership?

Many leaders believe that it is their responsibility to exert as much control as possible over their employees to create the desired results. In reality, it is not possible to control another person.

Effective leadership is about influence and not control.

As we look at the things that we can control and the things that we cannot control, people typically come to the conclusion that the only thing that they can truly control is themselves. Ultimately, people can only control their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours; everything else is essentially out of their control.

How can leaders create results through their employees?

If a person is only capable of controlling their own behaviour, how can they create results through their employees? The answer is through influence. The larger the sphere of influence however, the greater the ability to achieve desired results.

While you may not be able to control what an employee does, you may be able to influence their behaviour by your interaction and communication with them. When another person understands and agrees with what you want them to do, you can influence them to enact certain behaviours. You can influence others to satisfy your requirements by giving them the opportunity to satisfy their needs.

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